If you have a query with regards to your hospital referral please contact the secretary on the surgery phone number: 01708 460180
If you have been referred to the hospital for further investigations and have not received any correspondence with regards to your referral within 4 weeks.
Please contact the surgery on 01708 460180
The practice operates the Choose and Book referral system for NHS referrals. If you are referred, you will be given booking information, including a unique booking reference number (UBRN), two passwords and choice of hospital in order that you can book your own appointment at a time and date convenient to you. Some services are community based and you may be referred via that route.
Private Referrals
If you wish to be referred to a private hospital we would recommend that you have private medical insurance as outpatient charges do not include any investigations such as blood tests, scans or X rays, which can be very expensive. We do not send private referral letters to the hospital and ask that you collect them from the surgery to take to your appointment. You will make your own appointment as this will ensure that you are seen at a time that is convenient to yourself.
If you are given a private prescription by the consultant we are unable to transfer this on to a NHS prescription as the doctors are unable to take the responsibility for prescribing unfamiliar medication.