Login to order your medication
Patient Access
Our repeat prescription system is computerised. To make further requests you will need to use the tear-off slip on the right hand side of the computerised prescription. About a week before you run out of medication, tick off the items you require and either bring or post it to the surgery, together with a stamped, addressed envelope if you wish us to return the prescription to you by post.
Unfortunately, CCG regulations mean that we are unable to accept requests for repeat medications by telephone.
Non-urgent advice: Notice
Please allow two working days before collection of the prescription from the surgery or your medication from your local nominated chemists who will collect the prescription from us to dispense to you.
Please register for the NHS APP via your smartphone.
Please allow 48 (working) hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. If you have any problems please telephone the surgery.
Get the NHS App
- Book and manage appointments at your GP practice
- Securely view your GP medical record
- Order your repeat prescriptions
- Check your symptoms, get instant advice, and more
- www.nhs.uk/nhsapp
Please register for Patient Online Access at reception.
The practice apologises for any inconvenience caused.
Maylands Healthcare Management